Meeting Agendas

PUBLIC MEETING DATES -- Regular and Special.
Click on meeting date to see agenda if available.

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Jan 5 (cancelled), 8 & presentation: Superintendent's Executive Summary, 11 & handout: insurance review, 19 & presentation: Special Ed Budget Planning 2021-22, 25 & handouts: insurance review & Proposed Budget Reductions, 10 (special meeting)

Feb 1 Handouts: Budget Adds/DropsForeign Language in Elementary Schools, 4 (special meeting), 8 (special meeting) & handouts: Q2 Financial Report & Lockton Group Health Insurance Analysis, 10 (special meeting) & handout Anthem vs SPP 2.0 Revised Rates, 23 & handout: Equity Study

March 1, 15 (cancelled), 22 (special meeting)

April 1 (special meeting) & handouts, 5 & handouts: Memo and Reconciliation (Grants), 6 (special meeting) (cancelled), 8 (special meeting), 19 and handouts: Fund Balance Analysis, WPS Cafe Forecast

May 3 (handout: BOE Strategic Plan), 11 (special meeting), 17 and handout: Elementary Scheduling, 20 (special meeting), 27 (special meeting)

June 1 (special meeting), 3 (special meeting), 7, 14 and handouts: Strategic Planning Update, Reopening Plan, 28 (special meeting - canceled)

July 13 (special meeting), 27 (special meeting) and handouts / presentation

Aug 2 (Special meeting) & handouts: Carryover Account, 4Q & Fiscal Year End, FYE 21 Letter to Town (Draft), FYE 21 Letter to Superintendent, 23 (special meeting)


Jan 6, 10, 13, 21, 27, 28 (special meeting)

Feb 3, 10, 24

March 2, 16 (canceled), 23 (special meeting)

April 2 (special meeting) and handout: Suggested Reductions to Meet BOF Target,
13 and handouts, 20 (special meeting), 27 and handouts

May 4, 11 (special meeting), 14 (special meeting), 18, 21 (special meeting)

June 1, 8 and handout, 22 (special meeting) and distance learning survey presentation and handout, 29 (special meeting) and handout: Reopening Schools Committee Update

July 6 (special meeting), 13 (special meeting), 23 (special meeting), 26 (special meeting), 28 (special meeting), 31 (special meeting)

Aug 3 (special meeting) and Middle School Schedules Presentation and CSDE handout; 10 (POSTPONED); 13 (special meeting) and handouts: financial report and CSDE Addendum 5, and presentations: Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High School17 (special meeting) and transportation policy, 31

Sept 8 (canceled), 21 handouts: Coronavirus Relief Funds, Health Update

Oct 5, 13 (special meeting)14 (special meeting), 19 

Nov 2, 16 handout: Coronavirus Relief Fund, 24 (special meeting), 30 (special meeting)

Dec 2 (special meeting), 7 handouts: NWEA MAP Presentation, CMS Update, 14 (special meeting - START TIME DELAYED TO 6:30 pm), 21


Jan 2, 7, 14, 22, 25, 28, 31 (special meeting)

Feb 4, 11, 25 (presentation: Enrollment Projections & School Redistricting Concepts), 27 (joint meeting w/Parks & Rec Commission)

March 1 (special meeting), 4, 12 (special meeting), 13 (joint meeting w/Parks & Rec Commission), 18, 25 (special meeting), 28 (special meeting)

April 1, 3 (special meeting), 8 (special meeting), 22

May 6, 20 (additional backups)

June 3, 10, 20

July 5, 15

Aug 26

Septr 3, 16 (special meeting), 16, 23 (special meeting)

Oct 2 (special meeting), 7, 14 (special meeting), 21

Nov 11, 19 (special meeting)

Dec 2, (12/2 postponed until 12/4), 4, 9 (special meeting), 16


Jan 2, 5 (special meeting), 8, 16, 22, 29

Feb 5 (cancelled), 9 (special meeting), 12 (cancelled), 26

March 2 (special meeting), 12, 26

April 2, 17 (special meeting), 23, 27 (special meeting), 30

May 7, 14 (special meeting), 20 (special meeting), 21, 29 (special meeting)

June 4, 11, 18 (special meeting)

July 23

Aug 6 (special meeting), 7 (special meeting), 27

Sept 4, 17, 20 (emergency meeting), 21 (special meeting), 30 (special meeting)

Oct 1, 15

Nov 5, 15 (special meeting),19, 26 (special meeting), 27 (special meeting), 30 (special meeting)

Dec 3, 10, 17


Jan 3, 5 (special meeting), 6, 9, 17, 23 (cancelled), 30

Feb 6, 13 (cancelled), 27

March 13, 27

April 3, 24

May 8, 22

June 5, 12 (Executive Session start time changed to 6:30 p.m.)

Aug 28

Sept 11, 25

Oct 9, 23

Nov 13, 14 (special meeting), 27, 28 (special meeting)

Dec 4, 11 (special meeting), 18


Jan 5, 8, 11, 19

Feb 1, 8, 8 Cancellation, 29

March 14, 28

April 11, 25

May 16, 23

June 2 (special meeting), 13

Aug 29

Sept 12, 26

Oct 10, 16 (special meeting), 18 (special meeting), 19 (special meeting) meeting cancelled, 20 (special meeting) meeting cancelled, 24

Nov 7, 21

Dec 4 (special meeting), 5, 19


Jan 5, 7,13, 20, 29

Feb 4.9 (special meeting Exec. Session) 9 (Special Meeting w/BOF)

March 5 Postponed until March 9, 16, 25 (Special Meeting)

April 6 Cncld, 27

May 4, 18

June 1, 15, 22 (special meeting Exec Session followed by Public Session)

July 27

Aug 25 (special meeting Exec Session followed by Public Session)

Aug 31

Sept 21

Oct 5, 19, 25

Nov 9, 23

Dec 7, 14 (Regular Mtg Cancelled) (Special Mtg. Executive Session)


Jan 6, 7 (special meeting), 9 (health insurance special meeting), *10, 13, 17 (health insurance review committee mtg), 21 (Tuesday) CNCLD, 27, 27 (health insurance review committee mtg), 29 (special meeting), 29

Feb 5 (health insurance review committee mtg.), 6, 10 (health insurance review committee mtg), 10

March 4 (health insurance review committee meeting), 4 (special meeting), 10, 17 (Emergency health insurance review committee mtg.), 17 (Emergency BOE Mtg.), 20 (special meeting), 24

April 1 (health insurance review committee mtg), 7, 21 (special meeting), 28 (special meeting health insurance fund mtg), 28 (agenda part 1), 28 (agenda part 2)

May 12, 27

June 2 (special meeting)

June 9, 16

Aug 8 (special meeting), 25 part 1, 25 part 2

Sept 8, 22

Oct 6, 20, 22 (special meeting)

Nov 5 (special meeting), 10, 12 (special meeting), 13 (special meeting), 17 (agenda part 1), 17 (agenda part 2), 19 (special meeting)

Dec 1, 1 (special meeting), 15, 16 (special meeting)


Jan 2 (special meeting), 7, *11, 14, 22, 23 (special meeting), 28

Feb 4,11- CNCLD

March 4, 18, 19 (special meeting)

April 8, 8(cont'd), 8(cont'd), 23 (special meeting), 29

May 13, 20, 23 (special meeting), 28 (special meeting)

June 3, 17, 27 (special meeting)

Aug 19 (special meeting), 26

Sept 16, 23

Oct 7, 21

Nov 11, 25

Dec 2, 9 (special meeting), 9 (special meeting pt 1), 11, 12 (special meeting), 15 (special meeting), 16,
18 (special meeting)


Jan 3, 6*, 9, 17, 23, 30

Feb 6, 7 (special meeting), 13

March 5, 19, 20 (special meeting)

April 9, 30

May 7 CNCLD, May 7 (special meeting), 21, May 30 (special meeting)

June 3(special Meeting), 4, 11 , June 28 (special meeting)

Aug 13, 27

Sept 10, 23 (Special Meeting), 24

Oct 9, 9 (Revised Agenda Cover), 22

Nov 5 changed to November 12, 19 (Canceled)

Dec 3, 16 (special meeting), 17, 21 (special meeting)


Jan 4, 7*, 10, 18 - CNLD, 24, 25 (Special Meeting), 31

Feb 7, 14 - CNCLD

March 7, 21

April 4, 11

May 9, 23

June 6, 13 (Special Meeting), 20

Aug 15, 29 - CNCLD

Sept 12, 26

Oct 11. 24

Nov 7, 21 - CNCLD

Dec 5, 19


* 8:30 a.m. McManus Room, Westport Public Library
° Special Mtg

Additional special meetings may be scheduled. They are posted in the office of the Town Clerk at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.